Thursday, November 26, 2009

Should I dye my hair red, white and blue or?

get a wig?

Should I dye my hair red, white and blue or?

are u being patriotic (something i don;t really get, being australian).. i think rainbow... or navy blue with white stars

Should I dye my hair red, white and blue or?

I say blue! or maybe red, but if you really wanna go "out" there then I would go with like a navy blue. That would look pretty awesome!

Good luck! Hope this helps!

Should I dye my hair red, white and blue or?

I would say blue.... red just seems too done and white can really ruin your hair.

Should I dye my hair red, white and blue or?

That is if u are crazy. Any 1 is ok or all. But I prefer NO dont dye it!

Should I dye my hair red, white and blue or?

I would say all three it would certainly get people attention. It might be really cool.

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