Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Should I dye my hair red??? (unsure if it would match..)?

I was wondering if it would match my skintone and eye color.... im not sure. And if I did dye it red which shade to get??? help. : ))) thanks. here's a pic.... http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/8882/...

Should I dye my hair red??? (unsure if it would match..)?

i would go for a darker brown - but if u really like red i would go for a brown with ared tint

Should I dye my hair red??? (unsure if it would match..)?

oh god no honey.

Should I dye my hair red??? (unsure if it would match..)?

don't dye it red.

i think darker brown would look cuuuute(:

Should I dye my hair red??? (unsure if it would match..)?

i have no idea

Should I dye my hair red??? (unsure if it would match..)?

Ohh no bby Maybe a carmel color would be nice

Should I dye my hair red??? (unsure if it would match..)?

Not red. Maybe a darker brown with a warm red undertone?

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